Halloween Must Haves

Halloween decorating season is coming upon us!! I am so thrilled about this. I have so many nostalgic Halloween memories. I had so much fun helping my grandma hang fake spiderwebs all over her entryway in her home. I loved trick or treating and seeing which houses would decorate and it made getting treats extra special at those homes! I loved watching a Halloween movie as I ate my candy! And I have to say it’s been even more fun as an adult watching my own kids get dressed up for Halloween, seeing their excitement and getting to make fun Halloween treats with them!

So when I’m think about decorating my house I’m picturing the kids and their faces all lit up as they ring the doorbell to say trick or treat! I’m also thinking about what kind of decor can flow into Thanksgiving and we can get more use out of it. Sometimes I’ll turn a few jack o lanterns to face the wall and use it through November. I also just love a few spooky elements but done in a classy Halloween kind of way! There’s no wrong way to do Halloween in my opinion. But this is how I do it at my house!


Clean up that carpet


Boys Modern Plaid Bedroom