How to Clean Stainless Steel Appliances

There is nothing like a shiny freshly cleaned stainless steel appliance. It shines and makes the whole house look clean! It does’t take long to do but it sure makes a big impact. Don’t neglect those expensive everyday use appliances when it comes to cleaning. We’ll talk about how to clean the inside of your appliances in another post but today we are talking about how to get the stainless steel outside looking like a brand new appliance straight from the store!


Having the right supplies for any job or project is essential. It makes your life easier and the job go quicker. I recommend having a sponge or Scrub Daddy with dish soap for getting off all the sticky, stuck on grime. I find the stickiest part at our house is always the handles. TIP: Spray your sponges with alcohol after use to sanitize and keep them bacteria free.

A Microfiber cloth is the next supply you need in your arsenal. Microfiber cloths are the absolute best material for cleaning stainless steel. They catch and trap the dirt and dust the best and yet they are soft enough to polish the stainless steel cleaner right into the surface. If you don’t have any microfiber rags yet I recommend these black ones from Amazon. They are a trusted product/brand with 82,000 reviews plus such a great price!

Lastly, you need the stainless steel cleaner. This one is my absolute favorite. I love the smell of it, the way it feels like polish and makes it look like perfection when you finish. You want to kind of move your hand in circles as you buff in the stainless steel cleaner.

Sponge | Scrub Daddy | Microfiber cloths | Stainless Steel Cleaner


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