Kitchen Organization

When you make a decision to become a more organized person you’ve got to start somewhere. I say start in the places you use the most. The closet you open every single day, the drawer you open fifty times a day, the counter that’s always cluttered right where everyone hangs out. If you start in those most used places you will feel a big burst of positivity when you organize that space. You will see and feel the benefit of your hard work on the daily. I really believe you will be more motivated to go organize all the other closets and crannies in your house because of it! So if you haven’t organized those most used places in your kitchen…start today! Pick one drawer, cupboard or shelf in your pantry and let’s get started!

How to Start

  1. Clear all of the items out of the drawer, cupboard, or off that shelf. You’ll be able to see what you have, what you need to keep, and what you can let go of.

  2. Vacuum out all the dust and crumbs and wipe it out. Give those areas the deep clean they probably don’t get very often.

  3. Pick out organizers if you need them. I know it’s no fun spending money on plastic organizers but I’m telling you if you can buy exactly what you need for that specific space you will be more likely to keep it that way! Each area you organize gets custom organized to your family’s needs and the space itself.

  4. Organize it, label if necessary and be sure to bring all your family members who live in the house to see and show them how it’s supposed to look. I think the biggest surprise for me when I started organizing my spaces last year was how much my family loved and appreciated it. They wood ooooh and aaaaaaah when they opened the perfectly organized drawers and they did a great job putting the items back. I think as humans we like our spaces organized it’s just so easy to stuff things in places they don’t belong when there’s no set organized place for things. Once you give everything a home it definitely becomes much easier to stay organized. I still struggle in certain drawers or frequently used junk drawers…but hey we are a work in progress over here!

    Tidy Tip: Pick one of your most frequently used drawers, cupboards or shelfs and get it organized. Organizing a space you use and see daily will help you see and feel the daily benefit of your hard work and motivate you to continue on to more spaces.

TOP FIVE favorite kitchen organization products

I really want to share the items in my kitchen that have really helped me stay organized the most. These items have helped us stay organized in our most used areas in our kitchen!

1.Clear Kitchen utensil organizers

For years we used expandable utensil organizers and they never seemed to fit in my drawer exactly how I wanted. I love these organizers because I can arrange them separately how they fit best. They would totally work in a bathroom or desk/junk drawer area too.

2. Glass tupperware that is microwave/dishwasher safe

We literally threw out ALL of our plastic tupperware when we bought these. They are the best! They click on so tight and snug. They can go in the microwave, fridge, freezer and dishwasher. They look sleek and because they are perfectly clear glass I can see exactly what leftovers we have in the fridge at all times. They also seem to be the most perfect size for leftovers or a quick make ahead meal for lunch on the go. I cannot rave about these enough! I’ve had them for over a year and to this day this is one of my most favorite kitchen items of all times!

Spice jars | Spice drawer organizer

3. Spice Organizers + drawer organizer to hold them in place

I remember the first time I saw these glass jars online I thought to myself that it was a waste of time to make spice jars pretty. Why would anyone waste so much time dumping all those spices into each jar. But then I realized that I’d be able to actually see all the spices and how much is left in each one. They’d be the exact same size as each other so it would be easy to line them up and see them all. And best of all I organized them alphabetically so I no longer go searching for a spice! It has made my life so much easier and yes it is also very pretty to look at every time I open this drawer!

4. Drink packet drawers

Our family is a family that drinks water pretty much all of the time. We are boring like that I guess. But when we are feeling WILD and we wanna mix things up we buy flavored packets to put in our water! The kids really like the crystal light packets especially the plain lemonade flavor. I share all this to explain that this was an item we were all grabbing daily. We wanted to keep the caffeine ones separate from the regular ones. We didn’t need our 3rd grader getting all amped up when he already has enough energy for all of us! So I found these cute little acrylic drawers that fit them perfectly. We keep it on a shelf in our pantry and we can easily grab one to go and I always know when it’s time to order more.

5. Drawer knives with holder

I admit that I am weirdo about all the appliances and items NOT being all over my counter. I want it to feel clutter free and cleared off so when I saw these knife sets for drawers I knew I had to get one. They stay safely hidden in a drawer (if you have small kids you can add a child proof lock) and they look very pretty all organized together. I’ve had this knife set for 6+ months and they are still sharp and very high quality too!

Those are our Top 5 Favorite kitchen organization items! Hope you found something helpful to make your kitchen function a little better too!

Happy Organizing! You got this!

xoxo ,



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